Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Beautiful Day for a Ball Game

Last night Felix officially became an American by participating in one of our great national pastimes: a trip to the ballpark. You're thinking: There's pro baseball in Vermont? Yup. Burlington is home to the Single A Vermont Lake Monsters, farm team for the Washington Nationals (no idea why they're not just called the Nationals). So we, along with Sean, Michelle, and visiting uncle James ventured out to Centennial Field for some Tuesday night action as the Monsters took on the Brooklyn Cyclones on a beautiful, if not pretty sweltering, July evening. Felix cheered hard for the home team, who after a strong start and running up a 3-0 lead through most of the game, gave up a quartet of runs in the seventh (we were gone by then) and dropped the game 4-3. We'll get em' next time.

Nice to Meet You!

Felix ventured to Brattleboro in southern Vermont a few days ago to meet his aunt (honorary) Leah. He took in the sights: shopping, cruising, and lunching his way along. And so tuckered out was he by all the fun that he slept the whole way home.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Date Night Becomes Fright Night: The Trials of Home Ownership, Part 27

The premise was simple: Mom and Dad go to dinner and a movie, Felix stays home with his Grandma Jackie. No problem. And it wasn't, until we got home from our date. Let's start at the beginning. Shannon and I went to American Flatbread and dined on craft brews and the most delectable pizza known to man, then watched the new Batman movie with a hundred of our closest friends at the Roxy (it's awesome--dark, but awesome). Shortly after arriving home and Grandma left, I playfully jumped on the bed while Felix was lying on it making goo-goo eyes at me, and BOOM!--the bed frame collapsed under us and we hit the deck. Felix was fine, but the bed frame wasn't, and I wrestled with it for the next two hours, finally figuring a way to rig it back together so that it could hold us. I meandered downstairs to put my tools away and lock up for the night (it was midnight by this point), feeling pretty useful and good about things when I noticed that the back door handle and the door itself were soaking wet. Cue leak. We've had nothing but rain lately and it looks like we're losing the war against it, because upon inspection this morning, the back porch roof is toast, full of holes in the shingles and gangly rotten wood beneath, hence the leak in the door jamb and the aforementioned wet door handle. In an ominous twist, we're expecting an inch of rain tonight and another inch tomorrow. To fight back, I'm having the entire house plastic wrapped.

Felix Does Oneonta

Felix was a champ on his first extended road trip to Oneonta, NY this past weekend, handling the four and a half hour drive with ease (he slept the whole way) and making not a peep about sleeping in a new room and in his back up bassinet. I think his exact words were "when do we eat?" It was Felix's first time meeting his uncles James and Daniel and his Great Grandma Jean and his Great Grandparents Dailey, as well as long time family friend Patrick Maguire, and his lovely bride, Beth Parsons. Also in attendance were all four family dogs, in order by age, Penny, China, Stella, and Omar. (See group doggie picture below) We would have had fun without it, but the brothers had recently purchased a Nintendo Wii and we were glued to that thing pretty much the whole time we were there, taking dinner and croquet breaks as needed. Can't wait to go back!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Return of the blue jean jumpsuit?

Felix elected to debut his blue jean jumpsuit today, replete with red stitching along the lapels and western style snaps. Very cool. We're considering sending him up for an Oklahoma-meets-Grease revival coming soon to Broadway. We heard they're looking for infant extras. (Not really)

Go Team!

Felix was on site last night for the Go-Go's match against Team Art Department. In fact, all four Go-Go junior members, including Felix, Cashel, Josephine, and Jude (pictured below with beer chugging dad) were present for our 18-3 victory. Wasn't much of a match, true, but the weather was lovely and the sunset over the lake was picture perfect. Even Maegen and Jay's dog, Isabelle, got into the spirit, donning her Go-Go's purple. Felix agreed: not a bad way to spend a Thursday evening.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Felix goes to the movies!

Felix was begging us to take him to see Wall E, the new Pixar film, so we finally caved in!
One of the local theaters has Mom's Matinees on Thursday mornings at 10:30am, which shows new films and invites parents and their babies to the show regardless of any crying, nursing, rocking, etc that might take place.
Felix nursed upon arrival and then slept through the whole film. We got lucky!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Breakfast in Bed

It's Shannon's birthday today and Felix boldly suggested a Breakfast in Bed sneak attack, which we pulled off swimmingly. Though, as usual, toward the end of the mission, Felix fell asleep on the job. But we scored some major points with Mom!

One Month?

As we're learning over here at parent central, time moves pretty fast, and in the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it." The days do seem to blend, yet our son is constantly changing, a milestone a minute. In keeping with today's spirit, I captured the already one month old Felix Delehanty Roesch, Esquire, doing his cute thing at four weeks old.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Barking Dog, Screaming Baby

This is the title of the forthcoming movie based on our life, coming soon to a theater near you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nap Time

I caught Shannon and Felix napping together on the couch today and snapped a keeper. If either of them charged for cuteness, we'd be millionaires.

Dad's got skills that's how you get him to stop crying! Felix took his first bottle this morning like a champ, downing three ounces of freshly pumped goodness in about five minutes, which I assumed he would promptly throw up because of the speed, but he didn't; victory was mine. Pumping and bottling...a whole new world. Keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bad Parents?????

Okay, so we ventured to Penny Cluse Cafe for lunch today and the strangest thing happened. This hoity-toity middle aged woman came over to our table and said "I never do this, but I was wondering if I could hold your baby. I just love babies and my children haven't had any yet, so I just would love to hold your baby! I want to start of business as a "baby whisperer" could hire me to watch your baby while you are out to lunch, etc. I don't mind holding him for a few minutes while you eat your lunch." SO...Benjamin and I handed our pride and joy over to the nice lady and she coddled him for a short while we ate our lunch. I asked our friend and waitress if she thought we were bad parents and she replied "NO! You are psyched parents!" Benjamin and I munched our yummy food and a few minutes later the nice woman returned our baby! We weren't quite sure what to make of it, but we certainly made that woman's day. Felix has a growing list of now family and strangers who are smitten with him.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Felix's First Concert

Last night we took Felix to The Green at Shelburne Museum to see Feist. His friend, Hayden, came with his parents, Peter and Laura, and Uncle Sean and Aunt Michelle also joined us! Felix was fussy and hot during the opener, and pretty much ate and slept while Feist was on. Hayden was better prepared for the glaring sun, but Felix was sure glad he didn't have to wear a hat like that! just kidding, hayden! ; )

More Family??

In addition to Oma and Opa, Uncle Jacob and Aunt Diana came to meet Felix, too. Uncle Jacob painted 3 amazing paintings for Felix's room! We sure wish we could see them more! We love spending time with them. Felix can't believe the plethora of uncles he has! He still has more to meet!

Oma and Opa Come to Visit

This past week, John and Anita a.k.a. Oma and Opa came from Indiana to visit their first grandson, Felix. I think it is fair to say we can add them to the list of people who are smitten with him. We had great dinners out, went to the farmer's market, strolled Church St., and did lots of staring at the little one. Here are some photos from our visit. We miss them already.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Visit From Aoife and Jessamy

Our good friend Jessamy brought over her daughter Aoife ("eefa") today for a visit. Aoife was born on June 2nd. As we did with Hayden a week ago, we tried to coordinate a photo shoot with the two kids, with varying results, as you can well see. I tried to motivate Felix by telling him some of these photos were liable to end up on the Internet, but he wasn't swayed in the least, citing the photo shoot as an act or pure parental vanity. He was right, of course.